More and more people in Ireland are choosing to live in apartments and multi-unit developments. This trend is a positive one for several reasons and is making Ireland more like other European countries. But ensuring these developments provide great places to live, and safeguarding the long-term structure of the buildings (and value for owners) does not just happen. It requires expert, focused, proactive management.
RF Property Management (RFPM) was founded in 1995. We do not do lettings and we do not do sales. Because of this we are 100% committed to giving you excellent property management. We believe you deserve a safe, secure place to live, with good amenities and a great living environment. We believe in your owners’ management company (OMC) having strong finances and a Sinking Fund for longer-term refurbishment needs.
We believe all owners should pay their service charges on time and we have a proactive collections team in this regard. We believe apartment living in Ireland requires excellent property management and our commitment is to be a partner to good OMCs in this regard. Our values have led to an increasing number of Irish OMCs choosing to work with us and we are proud to now manage developments with over 8,000 residential and commercial units.